Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Corner View - Hindsight

Corner View is a weekly appointment - each Wednesday - created by Jane and currently curated by Francesca, where bloggers from all corners of the world share their view on a pre-arranged theme. If you'd like to join in, please leave a link to your Corner View post in the comments at, and be sure to visit other participants, too.

In hindsight, maybe some of my favorite '80s fashions were not so fashionable...

That's me on the right in the groovy pink jeans with purple flowers, pink sweater and purple tie dye t-shirt...

I was actually thin back then... the flower jeans sure don't show it though, do they?

And this get up... it is bad on sooooo many levels...

And there are pink jeans again (but a different boy :-) ).  I loved those jeans - what was I thinking???


  1. It is fun to go back and look at what we wore when we were younger. :) xo

  2. There's nothing that dates quite as badly as fashion, at least until it comes back round again.

  3. ian is so right. all the young 'uns are wearing those pj-like pants again!

  4. (no offence meant, by the way. we've all been there, worn that ;)

  5. I remember fondly my own flower jeans (purple flowers on pink jeans, Benetton back when it was still affordable), and I find it funny to see that look, and those skinny jeans back in: I've lived through an entire fashion cycle!!! :)
    (though I never lived through a pastel color fashion cycle like todays - a color scheme that I think only the Queen of England can gracefully pull off!) (no offense to any pastel color lovers, I hope!)

  6. opsy - somehow I can view the other comments just now. Well, so that you know, here in Italy, the kingdom of (some) fashion, flower skinny jeans are just the rage! You'll get there (again) soon enough :)

    1. Oh goodness! If they made me look that bad when I had a teenager's figure, I shudder to think what they would do to my middleaged-and-much-plumper figure!

  7. I'm surprised we all focussed on the jeans, and not on the "different boys" issue :):)

  8. This is nothing compared to the outfits I wore in the 80's.
    I'm talking silver penny loafers girl. I had some flower jeans too. I LOVED them. My kids love seeing photos.

    1. Excellent! I bet you wore them with everything! I had a pair of pink boots with a fringe - thought they were the BOMB!

  9. I can show photos of my kids in 80s clothes, but I pretty much stuck to the classics. I have NEVER been able to wear skinny jeans--the mirror is so unkind!;>)
    I did succumb to the big shoulder pads in my main staple:blazers---The Dynasty tv show look.
    This was fun, Heather. I liked comment about the boyfriends. Actually I did check out what I could see of them! :>)

  10. where's the time gone? flowered jeans... i remember...

  11. time flies by, i rememember from the eighties the hair going straight up and the big shoulders, hahaha
    and the funny thing is that those jeans will turn back [ come back] and be modern again

    and yes...what about the different boys!! hahahaha

  12. Dear Heather, I like 80s style very much. And when I look my photos at 80s, Oh no I am terrible fat now. I am 20 kilograms more than 80s. No problem. I am really very happy with my weight..( No no I am a big liar:))

  13. the stange part is that when the fashion comes back it kind of look right again :)

  14. Sorry, can't comment on fashion from the 80s - that was a tumultuous decade for me and I skipped a lot of things, fashion being on of them.

    (I do remember the should pads - my mother used them all the time. It made here even more manly than she already was ;-))


    1. shoulder pads, obviously.

      Oh, and I like those blue sneakers!


    2. One of my boyfriends (not one of the ones pictured) had an identical pair. We thought we were cool, but in hindsight I guess it wasn't cool at all to wear matching sneakers!
