Tuesday, February 18, 2014

CV - Bygones

Corner View is a weekly appointment - each Wednesday - curated by Francesca, where bloggers from all corners of the world share their view on a pre-arranged theme. If you'd like to join in, please leave a link to your Corner View post in the comments at www.fuoriborgo.com, and be sure to visit other participants, too.

I am trying to let 'bygones be bygones' and not hold a grudge against my former employer who laid me off right before the holidays.  I should let go of the grudge as I landed a better job in a better firm.  Aside from the improved quality of work and firm, the new firm has a stocked kitchen for the staff - complete with 13 different kinds of coffee and 7 kinds of hot tea :-)

Happy corner-viewing!


  1. i agree, no point in holding a grudge, now that you can choose your own coffee :)

  2. ha h aha....
    gourmande heather. i love you for it. {what do you mean? no wine?}
    yes! definitely better bear no grudges.
    hardest thing to do, very rewarding.
    and better job!!!!

  3. I don't know why companies do that;however, it sounds like things worked out for the better! They say when God closes one door that he opens another. believe this is true! Have a great week enjoying your selection of hot beverages. What a nice treat!

  4. It's tough to let go of a grudge when you've been wronged, but it looks like in the end you win! Congratulations on your new, better job!

  5. Haha I didn't even know there were that many types of coffee :)

  6. I second the comments above. Such wise corner view counsel back here in the comments!! So glad you received the warm advice and that you have the warm drinks, sip enough of those teas in the new supportive environment and the grudge will dissolve away!!♡

  7. Sounds like it was, as they say, for the best...here's to wishing you love this job!

  8. wow! that's an impressive stash of hot drinks!

  9. Was that the employer with the office without a window? Even if not, it really looks like you got the better deal!


  10. There you go!! You are happier in the end - a real case of the cloud with the silver lining. And good on you for letting go of the grudge - you only end up feeling bitter if you hold on to bad feelings like that.

  11. This is a proof that sometimes momentary disasters lead to big improvements! I'm happy that this job is better on so many ways, and frankly, envy just a bit that staff kitchen!!! ;-)
