Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Corner View - Growth

Corner View is a weekly appointment - each Wednesday - curated by Francesca, where bloggers from all corners of the world share their view on a pre-arranged theme. If you'd like to join in, please leave a link to your Corner View post in the comments at www.fuoriborgo.com, and be sure to visit other participants, too.

Last year, someone gave me an orchid.  Once the flower was gone, I neglected the poor thing.   I placed it on a windowsill and forgot about it - rarely even thinking to water it.  Several times I came close to dumping it in the composter... then last week I realized it had a flower!

Happy corner-viewing!


  1. Now you know life can be strong ;)))

  2. I wish I' d done that with mine! I ended up throwing it away!
    Funny how yours, Nadine's, and mine are about plants. Different perspectives of course.
    It's a lovely orchid. How cool that you can enjoy it again! :>)

  3. you accidentally discovered how to grow orchids: little watering! :)

  4. Good thing you didn't throw it away! How wonderful!

  5. Orchids are so strong flowers, we certainly can learn from them. They only need a little, they are with little happy!!

  6. awww my favorite flower....and surprise blooming.

    That's awesome!

  7. That`s a miracle! My husband works so hard on taking care of one orchid we have, and from our experience and from what I heard, its really difficult to grow orchids!! What a beautiful orchid too, she must have really wanted to come into life and to meet you:))♡

  8. ps yes, as Francesca said, that is something about growing orchids…little water!! I learned from my husband, and its my job when he is away to water the orchid once a week on Sunday mornings!!♡

  9. Lucky you! Mine rarely blooms again .... never ....in fact :)

  10. So what are you saying? Growth is what happens when you look the other way? ;-)


  11. ain't that the perfect summer gift? i love its double meaning too; growth will happen, no matter what. n♥
